Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life is good

I made a late night run this past weekend to pick up a hammock. After visiting Wal-Mart and Meijer, I was able to find one at Home Depot. All of my free time is now spent on the hammock -- sometimes I sleep, sometimes I read, and most of the time I stare at my lawn trying to will my grass to grow.

I'll probably remove the bench beneath the hammock. My intention has been to replace the bench anyway, and my goal for greater relaxation will be the inspiration for my increased amount of work.


Anonymous said...

have you done one of those spinning flip out moves like people in cartoons do? you're a man of poise and balance to relax in a hammock! Does Kona like it, too?

Landon said...

The hammock looks oh so comfortable! Nice work.